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Bistro Cafe Serving Fork

Bistro Cafe Stainless Flatware by Dansk

See all pieces in Dansk Bistro Cafe Stainless Flatware.

Price: $19.95
Item Number: D113-6144729

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Dansk Bistro Cafe features a beautifully clean design, with a rounded handle that features a "cutaway" end. The handles are very slender, and are nearly unbendable. Made in the 18/10 alloy, and the knife blade is a straight edge (not serrated). Shiny, high-polished finish. It's an excellent choice for the price, but you might also consider lower-priced alternatives such as Wave by Towle. We prefer the Bistro Cafe over it, but sometimes you just want to save a few bucks. You may also like to browse through our plain flatware patterns, all on one page.

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