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Zippered Drawer Liner

by Hagerty

Price: $89.95
Item Number: HP19111
Height: 2.50"
Width: 19.00"
Length: 12.00"
  • Contains R-22 Tarnish Preventative
  • Holds up to 120 pieces
  • Certified Kosher by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America

Made in The USA
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Sterling, silver plate, and gold stay organized and tarnish free for years in the Hagerty Zippered Flatware Storage Drawer Liner. Made from specially treated Hagerty Silversmiths' Cloth with R-22 that traps tarnish-causing sulphur gases, this drawer liner is completely zippered to ensure an effective, air-tight seal. Silver will remain shining and ready for immediate use! Fits a standard buffet drawer.
Holds 120 pieces of sterling or silverplated flatware.
Measures 19" x 12" x 2-1/2"
  • Contains R-22 Tarnish Preventative
  • Holds up to 120 pieces
  • Certified Kosher by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America