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FAQ: How does the engraving process work?

After you place your order, we read through it to make sure we have all the information needed to engrave as well as checking for common errors, then your item is picked and prepared for engraving.

Our skilled engraver uses a variety of machines, which vary depending on the material and type of engraving. Most engravings are done with a rotating cutting bit that is controlled via the x, y, and z axis. We calibrate and set up the machine for each specific design to ensure that the location of the engraving is in the right place and that the letter sizing will be appropriate for the piece. Most engravings use specific jigs to hold the piece in place while the spinning cutter head engraves but in cases of custom pieces the operators will need to make or modify existing jigs to hold the pieces still.

After the engraving process is completed by the machine, the operator will double check the engraving to make sure it is deep enough and has clean and sharp lines. If everything looks good, they will then polish the piece up and send it to quality control. Each engraved piece is then checked again for accuracy and then packed for shipping.

Next Question: Can I send in my own piece for engraving?

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