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FAQ: Can I specify a height or width for my engraving?

In general, we leave the sizing up to the engraver. With their experienced eye, they determine the sizing based on several factors, including the item being engraved and the specific message going it.

However, we are happy to work with you if you have a specific idea regarding sizing of your font, though we would encourage you to consult with us just to confirm and make sure we are all on the same page. Sometimes sizing can be a little tricky because when you imagine a character at a certain height, say 1” it might not seem that big but when it is actually engraved things look much bigger than expected. If you are unsure, we encourage you to leave the dimensions of the fonts up to us, we have had quite a bit of experience sizing fonts for engravings over the last 20 years.

Next Question: Oops, I made a mistake on my order for my engraving, can I still change it?

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