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FAQ: What's the difference in American and European naming and sizing?

A typical American patterns place setting will consist of the following pieces

  • Dinner Fork / Table Fork: The larger of the forks in the place setting.
  • Salad Fork: The smaller of the forks in the place setting.
  • Dinner Knife / Table Knife: The standard knife in the place setting and sometimes referred to as a butter knife.
  • Oval Soup Spoon / Dinner Spoon / Tablespoon: The larger spoon in the place setting.
  • Teaspoon: The smaller spoon in the place setting.

A typical European patterns place setting will consist of the following pieces

  • Table Fork: The larger of the forks in the place setting.
  • Dessert Fork: The smaller of the forks in the place setting.
  • Table Knife: The standard knife in the place setting and sometimes referred to as a butter knife.
  • Dessert Spoon: The larger spoon in the place setting.
  • Tea/Coffee Spoon: The smaller spoon in the place setting.

** Note that while the Dessert Fork is the smaller fork in the place setting the Dessert Spoon refers to the larger spoon in the place setting.

European patterns will often have the following pieces available as Additional pieces for each place setting.

  • Tablespoon: A spoon larger then the Dessert Spoon but not as large as a serving spoon.
  • Dessert Knife: A Knife slightly smaller than a Table Knife.

Manufacturers that use the European naming and sizing conventions are: Chambly, Christofle, Sambonet, Degrenne, Sabre.

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