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FAQ: How can I contact a manufacturer?

Most of the manufacturers have service representatives to help the general public with limited matters. For instance, only one of them will sell direct to consumers (we sell for less anyway), and none of them can generally help you with a particular order. Most manufacturers would prefer that consumers contact their authorized representatives for assistance (which would be companies like the Silver Superstore). That said, here's how to contact the manufacturers by telephone:

  • Lifetime Sterling - (800) 264-0758
    • Gorham
    • International
    • Kirk Stieff
    • Towle
    • Tuttle
    • Wallace Silversmiths
    • Wilton Armetale
  • Oneida - (800) 877-6667
  • Yamazaki - (800) 441-3675
  • Lenox - (800) 223-4311
    • Lenox
    • kate spade new york
    • Reed & Barton
    • Dansk

Next Question: Do you have a catalog?

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