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FAQ: Why can't I get individual pieces in my pattern?

Not all patterns are this way, but a few are. One of the strongest trends in stainless steel flatware is to offer patterns in a "box set" configuration. This means that you can get a service for 8 or 12 that is complete, and is sold in one big box.

The advantages to the box set include a low price, and ease of shopping. The disadvantage is that the box set you see is the only way that the pattern is available. You cannot get extra teaspoons, or salad forks, or serving spoons.

The Silver Superstore does break up box sets to offer individual place settings, and serving sets, but we usually cannot offer individual pieces, such as teaspoons.

If you are looking for a set of stainless that has extra pieces available, you might consider some of the "bridal stainless", which is available by the place setting, or perhaps some of the expanded box sets. Please call or email us for more info; we're happy to help point you in the right direction!

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